The 25th anniversary of Women's Works is an occasion to reflect on the past, celebrate the work of today's women artists and look forward to the future of the exhibit.
History and Mission of Women’s Works
Women's Works was created in 1985 from the efforts of a group of women who dreamed of a place where women could showcase their talent. The Workshop for Contemporary Artists opened a collaborated forum where they would see and critique each others’ work, share information on contemporary art issues, and support each other in the “sometimes insular work” that characterizes an artist's working life. The early members of the WCA included Lynn Carlson, Doris Davis Gallagher, Shirlee Estep, Rita Kay Halvorsen, Judith Nahill, Nancy Seidler and Alice White.
March was chosen as the time for the first exhibit, to coincide with the celebration of Women’s History Month. Held in the McHenry County College Library, Mary Kurtzman, an MCC English instructor, was the driving force behind the first program of its kind in McHenry County.
In 1987, Carol Ann Harris saw the potential of a women’s art exhibit and created a juried competition that would include contributions and awards. Publicity was generated, rules were set, and in the spring of 1988, Carol’s vision was realized when Women’s Works was born.
Today, Women’s Works is a fine art exhibition that provides an opportunity for female artists throughout North America to exhibit collectively. Our annual exhibition fulfills a vital need for women to view their work in a larger context, allowing the artists to identify themselves with the community of creative women.
We continue to encourage the area business community, in the spirit of good will, to award funds and scholarships that publicly support women artists, demonstrating the value of their work to society.
Women’s Works continues to affirm our worth as women artists and to celebrate the impact of our creativity on the lives of those around us.
Written by: Pat Tanner